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Attendance & Punctuality

When your child misses a day of school she/he misses many learning opportunities.  Having your child at school on time is of primary importance to us.

If your child is absent for any reason, please call the office by 8:30 a.m. the morning of the absence. Unverified absences will be considered truancies.

All students arriving at school after the first bell must report to the Office for a Tardy Slip.  Students are expected to be in their classroom by 8:50am. Repeated tardies to school will result in loss of privileges and potential truancy documentation.

A letter will be sent to you if your child is repeatedly absent, regardless of the reason.  You may need to meet with the principal, or in some cases, be referred to the District Truant Officer.

For more information regarding the School District's Board Policy Attendance, please visit the Douglas County School District website. (Board Policy 504BP and Administrative Regulation 504AR).

Please note when picking up a student from school:

  • We will ask you for your ID.
  • YOU MUST be listed as a contact in Infinite Campus to pick up a student. 
  • We WILL NOT RELEASE a student to someone who is not listed as a contact in Infinite Campus.
  • You can change your contacts in Infinite Campus through your Infinite Campus parent portal. If you are having trouble logging into your Parent Portal, please contact the office. 

This is for the safety of your student.

~ Thank you

Attendance Line


Please call or email by 8:30 AM if your child is going to be absent.

You are also welcome to email your child's absence with the same information to:

Please include the following in the email:

  • Student Name
  • Grade & Teacher
  • Reason for Absence
  • Date of expected return

Absence Information

When your child misses a day of school she/he also misses many learning opportunities.  Having your child at school and on time is essential for their continued learning success.  Time in the classroom is the currency of learning.

  • Any unverified absences not cleared within three (3) days of the absence will be considered truancies.

  • All students arriving at school after 8:50 a.m. must report to the Office for a Tardy Slip to be admitted.

  • A letter will be sent to you if your child is repeatedly absent, regardless of the reason.  You may need to meet with the Principal, or in some cases, absences are referred to the District Truant Officer.

  • If your child will be out for more than three (3) consecutive days for any reason other than illness, please come to the Office to complete a "pre-arranged absence" request form.  A pre-arranged absence must be cleared by the Teacher and Principal five (5) days prior to the student's absence dates.

  • Students who are sick for more than three (3) consecutive days should have a doctor’s note when they return to school.  Students must be symptom-free, without over-the-counter medication for 24 hours, to return to school.  

  • If your child misses 10 or more days in a school year, a letter will be sent home to notify parents of the number of days missed.

  • If your child misses 15 or more days, an Attendance Conference will be set up with the Principal.  At this point, the appeals process can be started.

  • If your child misses 18 or more days, the Truant Officer will be notified and will contact the parents.